Bloggers Policy

Welcome to SUGARUSH Blogging Team,  you have been hand picked and we are happy you have joined us.

Mainstore slurl:      Please request join ASAP Thank you!


Best for skin, clear large clean photos without a lot of shadow on the faces. 

Take your time, enjoy, be creative :)  Rush jobs are no fun for anyone. 

Promote yourself, most creators are looking for high numbers of viewers and faves on your flicker.  Syndication helps with this.  In flicker we can all favorite for each other ....40 extra stars from each other ...worth gold to you!   Also, join flicker fashion groups and share your blog posts with them. 

*Very important,  we keep a database of what we send you, in order for us to know what you are blogging for us....we must have links....2 ways we want to do this:   1.  Post to flicker all sugarush blogs.   2.  We must have your RSS link for your feeds from your blog.    These are both a must.  If we cannot acquire these items we will revert to monthly blogger reports.

*IMPORTANT* It is expected of you to blog 1 time each week, new releases can be blogged as often as you like but no less than 2 times each skin, there are plenty of makeups to choose from to accomplish this.

All must join inworld group. All new releases and new appliers will be sent through the group as an attachment.  Please read group notices.